If you ever find yourself in legal trouble, a good lawyer is a must. But not everybody has the luxury of choosing their lawyer, or the ability to pick'em well. And like every profession, there are some bad apples.
Here are 20 weird lawyers you might not want defending you in court.
Nikolas Cruz’s lawyer shows middle finger to the court and laughs with the killer.
This Filipino Lawyer and his office painting.
Trashy drunk woman gets refused service and uses her lawyer card to intimidate restaurant staff.
Washington state police officer and convicted murderer shows off tattoos his lawyers fought to hide.
A Filipino lawyer paid with fresh crabs by a client.
“This is the keyboard of a lawyer at his office. Had to do some IT work on his PC today.”
A Mississippi attorney accused of bringing contraband into a correctional facility.
A Palestinian lawyer, wearing his official robes, kicks a teargas canister back towards Israeli soldiers during a demonstration by Palestinian lawyers.
Billboard for a divorce attorney.
In 2011, a Portland Church molestation victim won $900,000. The lawyers took $877,000.
Don’t know if this is the divorce attorney I’d go with.
Garry Hoy was a Canadian lawyer who died when he fell from the 24th floor of his office building in Toronto in an attempt to prove to a group of students that the windows were unbreakable. When he threw himself into the window it did not break, but the window frame gave way and he fell to his death.
Statement by an offender’s defense lawyer.